Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Oil Price Crisis??!!

Haha... probably this a bit off track from my regular blog posted, anyway I believe this is equally important as the oil price increase not just going to affect our daily life but more or less will impact the toy industry. Why???

Many may or may NOT aware that Oil is basically our life line when it come to managing our financial support. Don't think if you don't own a car or motorbike, you will not be part of it. Actually almost anything that we enjoy or taking for granted now is all related to oil... either direct or indirect. It is all part of the chain reaction.

Getting more confused now? Hope not. Take a moment to think and you will find the answer(s) yourself.

Well, same goes to my toy interest too. Anticipate price increase... just the Acrylic Thinner that I use for my custom repaint, the price actually increased 25% though there is no product of oil or petrol in Thinner. And of course my Tamiya and Mr Hobby paint, either acrylic or enamel paint as both are basically a product direct related to oil industry.

Okay... here is why price increased! All these basically need cost to deliver from the point of manufacturing location to us. From point A to point B.... so do you get me now.

So in order to really do to save cost if you still and want to continue with your hobby that really you love!! Best is plan before you buy.. as I anticipate cost to rise in the postage. And the best is to ship thing in bulk to combine shipment.

Haha... if you think to meet the Seller for COD that most general public think can really save money in postage...... is actually not 100% right. You see thing that you are taking for granted are time; either travelling to and from... waiting time for the Seller or Buyer to arrived (sometime never turn up..haha). Furthermore for those who drive, cost of petrol, parking and others that might not be expected... like bump into speed trap or stop by traffic police for speeding due to trying to catch time to meet at specific location and time.

So just pause for a moment and think of how and what we can do to help. Little thing that we ignore before maybe is what we need to make thing better tomorrow.