Tuesday, May 13, 2008

IRONHIDE Battles : Premium Series vs Customized

Ironhide Voyager class has been one of the greatest figure in the TF movie line. And definately will be interesting to put up a review on this one especially the Premium Series release. So now the battle begins.

Fresh from the box and if you click the pictures to view the high resolutions pictures, it is still wrapped with its transparent bands.

And have to say that Premium Series in Voyager Class is considered one of the best especially Ironhide. It does look very glossy and think have to wear my shades to complete this review..haha.

And here is a side by side comparison between the Premium Series on the left vs the Customized Ironhide. And now is the posing round and let's start with our Premium Series Ironhide first in six different pose angles.

And now is the time to see the pose from Customized Ironhide. Same time given for the pose just to be fair for both contenders. :)

And here is some close up between the Customized Ironhide and the Premium Series Ironhide. And for sure Premium Ironhide eye turn blue... (anyway, why it is painted in blue!!??)

And here is the collapsed hard top shell... looks nicer if it is custom re-painted.

And now you make the verdict. To me I think both are equally great as I like the glossy look of the Premium and of course custom re-painted figure is always better then the regular release... another reason why it is a win-win for both is because both looks great in BLACK.