Sunday, May 11, 2008

TRANS SCANNING TS-01 & TS-02 with a bit of twist

Here is some review on TS-01 and TS-02 which is TRANS SCANNING of Optimus Prime and Bumblebee in TF movie. Heard of many good review and have waited so long to own these so that can really see it, can really feel and to own it!

As featured before in my blog, both when fully transformed in Robot Mode, well it does look a bit ugly as it has lots of accessories to carry either on its knee, back or even the waist. Well with just a bit of twist with no change on the original figure, this is what I came out with... so that it looks more nicer and what it should be.

Isn't they looks much better now? Personally I give them rating of 4.5 stars out of 5 and so far I agree they are the closest when come to resemblence of the TF in the movie in Robot Mode.... and in vehicle mode, they look exactly the same.