Saturday, June 14, 2008

FRIDAY the 13th

Maybe that is a real Myth after all.

If you look at my feedback profile on my eBAY ( June-13 which is FRIDAY. A real unforgettable experience with this eBAYER, I am not sure whether he is here to ruin my repo or is just the unlucky Friday the 13th.

So it comes to the question of..... by being honest is guilty as charged?

If you go back to that eBAY listing, it is stated very clear my item posted is Knock-off and I hilited that statement clearly. And on top of that I even have a link of my review for this knock-off item. Basically all the informations on this item as well pictures in high resolutions are available there.

Sometimes we need to stand up and be responsible. Admit to mistake and not to point finger on who is right or who is wrong. Many things can be resolved if we look into the small details.